Enabling safe mobility for everyone.

  • Green computer board and tensor processing unit

    Machine Learning

    Integrated on-device machine learning algorithms estimate a path free of obstacles, as well as many other information around hundred times per second.

  • Camera module


    Our vision-based approach makes it possible to recognize and communicate dangerous situations, read out text, and find objects for you in a field of view of around 160° in front of the white cane.

  • White cane with tactile arrow to feel the direction you can walk

    Haptic Feedback

    Hearing the environment is very important for the visually impaired. This is why the feedback from the cane is almost only given to the user in the form of haptic feedback via a tactile pointer, vibration as well as optional sound output.

How it works


Indoor navigation made easy with clear direction, stair/door/… alerts, haptic feedback.


Navigate with confidence - NextGuide guides you through outdoor obstacles, showing the way with clear direction and alerts you for doors, stairs, crosswalks, and more.

Contact us

Click here if you have questions, or you want to send us a message.